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The Private Equity Glossary

The Private Equity Glossary

The Private Equity Glossary

Sep 30, 2024

Sep 30, 2024

Sep 30, 2024

Private Equity

Private Equity

Private Equity

The Essential Terms of Private Equity

  • Fundraising: The process by which a company raises capital from investors to finance its growth.

  • Private Companies: Companies that are not listed on stock exchanges, hence less accessible but often more promising.

  • Equity Stake: Shares held by an investor in a private company.

  • Dividends: Earnings distributed to shareholders based on the profits made by the company.

  • Exit: The sale of an investor's stake, typically with a significant profit.

The Key Steps and Financial Concepts

  • Due Diligence: The audit and evaluation process before investing in a company. It includes reviewing finances, operations, and risks.

  • Closing: The final step where agreements are signed, and funds are transferred to formalize the investment.

  • EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization): Earnings before interest, taxes, and amortization, often used to assess a company's profitability.

  • Investment Multiple: The ratio between the amount initially invested and the amount recovered at exit (e.g., x2, x3).

  • Pre-Money/Post-Money Valuation: The valuation of a company before or after a fundraising round.

The Stakeholders and Their Role

  • LP (Limited Partner): A limited investor in a private equity fund. They provide capital but do not participate in management.

  • GP (General Partner): The fund manager who decides where and how to invest the gathered capital.

  • Business Angel: An individual who invests their own funds in startups in exchange for equity stakes.

  • Family Office: An entity managing the financial and estate investments of a wealthy family.

  • Venture Capitalist (VC): An investor specializing in financing innovative startups with high growth potential.

The Technical Terms and Acronyms

  • IRR (Internal Rate of Return): Internal rate of return, a key measure for assessing the performance of a private equity investment.

  • LBO (Leveraged Buyout): Acquisition of a company primarily financed by debt, with the company's assets often serving as collateral.

  • Dry Powder: Uninvested capital still available in a private equity fund.

  • MOIC (Multiple On Invested Capital): A ratio expressing the total performance of an investment (e.g., x2, x3).

  • NAV (Net Asset Value): Net asset value, a measure of the total value of a fund's holdings.

  • Clawback: A clause allowing the recovery of a portion of distributed profits if future performance does not meet expectations.


This glossary provides an overview of essential and technical terms in private equity. Whether you are a novice or experienced, mastering this vocabulary will help you better understand the strategies, performances, and stakeholders in this complex field.